Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Seasonal Clothing Storage Tip - Clean the Couture

Never put worn items back in the closet next to clean garments.  Of course you can wear certain garments more than once without cleaning them, but putting the worn garment back in the closet is a no-no. Even if a worn garment is “clean,” your body oils and perfume act as a magnet for material-damaging insects such as moths. These unwelcome guests can create havoc and irreparable damage.  Don’t kid yourself that a few pieces of cedar and a lavender sachet will keep your closet free from insects indefinitely. For more information about material-damaging insects, CLICK HERE 

Friday, October 5, 2012

Spring - Summer Seasonal Wardrobe Storage Tip - Invisible Stains from Hairspray

It's that time of year again - time to make room in the closets for winter coats, boots and sweaters. When storing your summer clothes be sure to have everything properly cleaned first and use breathable garment bags and boxes ONLY! Please be careful with items that appear clean but may have been exposed to hairspray - hairspray is glue, and it is very difficult to remove and can discolor garments quite quickly.  Don't risk pulling your favorite dress from storage next spring only to find the hairspray has ruined it. Learn more about "invisible stains" HERE